This one goes out to my fellow JANN'S co-workers.

JANN'S was the most wonderful ice cream shoppe (not ye olde, but a shoppe non the less) owned by the Coryells. JANN'S was an anagram for Jennifer, Amy, Norman, Norman and Susan. This was always fun when some snot said, "I know Jann." Really? We've never met her. It was in town, a quick walk from the High School, across from the PQM (Pennington Quality Market) and it always smelled of waffle cones and chocolate and I saw children pass right out upon entering, it was that cool.

From 16 until 18 I think - really my gray matter is fading quickly my friends, I worked at JANN'S scooping ice cream, making sundaes, making mixins - "I'd like vanilla ice cream with chocolate covered pretzels blended in." On it!!! We mad mud pies, coffee ice cream with chocolate sauce on top, we served wonderful chocolates by the weight or the piece, we made ice cream cakes and we laughed until we cried.

Everyday I'd walk in for my shift chanting, "I'm not going to eat any ice cream." It never stuck, one time I ate just wet walnuts (for those of you who aren't familiar with this, it's walnuts in maple syrup SHIIIIITTT! It's so good!) hot fudge and whipped cream in a bowl. It's really a wonder I'm not sticking myself with insulin on a regular basis like Wilfred Brimley.

Again, I'll go to the highlight film:

Snowy night and the store manager, Joe (who by the way was the brother of the lead guitarist killed in the plane crash with Jim Croce - you know Bad Bad Leroy Brown) is trying to explain to Beth, with bowls mind you, how a stick shift works. Her eyes were glazed over, so I took her to the PQM parking lot and taught her hands on without a hitch. We did donuts too :)

There was a customer who resembled Richard Gere who would come in, I can't explain the magnitude of the fight that went on 'in the back' between me and Joe about who was going to serve him. Surely he heard us, but I won dammit.

Sampling chocolates with Beth and biting into one that was raspberry jelly filled (who are the misfits that like those? who - Christ they're nasty!!) I had an unchewed piece in my mouth and watched light dawn on Beth who said, "Don't you dare." I spit it right at her. Then I ran.

Having a big scoop of coffee ice cream on a paddle and looking at Beth, again, "Michele, don't." There was no way possible that I couldn't launch that right at her. Again I ran.

Running around the back of the counter, through the saloon doors to the back of the store being chased by someone with a pastry bag full of icing aimed at my hair.

Cranking up the music for cleanup, Croce, Neil Diamond, Cat Stevens - to this day I think of Norman and do the clap when I hear Peace Train. Oh the Rolling Stone - getting caught doing a phenomenal impersonation of Mick with the mop and being caught by Mrs. C. Seriously it's an amazing show to see.

Imitating the uterus and being caught by Mrs. C. (not really a sell out show)

Lip Syncing in high school to Respect with the rest of the JANN'S gals.

Mr. Coryell looking at my small feet and asking me if I fell over a lot.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream and Pumpkin Ice Cream. They were the good times.

My love to all the Coryells, everyone I worked with and especially Beth. CATCH!!


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