Being Mama

It's Mother's Day and I'm lounging in bed, I could use a refill of my coffee but I'll give the family a break, they aren't used to the tables being turned.

For me, being a Mom is something I wouldn't trade for the world and yet at times it has me dreaming of being incarcerated, getting 3 squares a day, exercising in 'the yard' and using cigarettes as money. The good times are priceless and the bad times are heart wrenching.

Highlights? Let's see,

  • Driving home from the hospital with a newborn, realizing that every car is aiming for us.
  • Deprivation of sleep causing me to not recognize that formula tends to curdle with a fever until the 4th barf-o-rama.
  • Dancing around while holding Ashlee to Copacabana just to hear her belly laughs.
  • Ashlee telling me, "I don't like you." at age 2, then again every couple years and I think just the other day.
  • Receiving daily incident reports from daycare that Lauren had bitten another child.
    • Finding out it was always the same child *sigh*
  • Getting a note from daycare that started with, 'Today Ashlee shoved a bean up her nose...'
  • Telling Ashlee her arm wasn't broken and she was fine when it was indeed broken. (touching huh?)
  • Threatening to take the girls to the bathroom (code for 'I will whip your behind.') and watching them wise-up.
  • Forgetting Lauren at school (twice, okay maybe three times) and hearing her say, 'Forgot your own child, nice Mom.'
  • Watching the girls develop a finely tuned sense of sarcasm and humor.
  • Composting Elwood the goat with Lauren.
  • Teaching both of them to drive a stick shift.
  • Ashlee graduating.
  • Lauren making varsity soccer her Freshman year (and then proceeding to get her head mangled about).
  • Having people over for dinner and watching the girls cleanup without being told.
  • Saying, 'For the 1,468, 745 time, DON'T TALK WITH FOOD IN YOUR MOUTH!!!'
  • Wondering where my shoes, belts, tops, jackets and jewelry are.
  • Realizing that cash stays in my wallet at the most for 12 minutes. (they can smell it)
  • Every Christmas morning.
  • Every time I hear, 'I love you.'
  • Hugs
  • Realizing they are a little piece of me
Motherhood is a blessing and I'm calling the front desk about the coffee, this is ridiculous!!!


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