Rotating Stock at the Zoo

Our house is run by two very large, giant actually, breed dogs. Gabrielle, who just burped, a 160 lbs. Newfoundland, that Lauren found online in New Brunswick Canada. Gordon is 80 lbs, freakishly tall and an Afghan Hound that Lauren found online in Montana. 240lbs of canine is a lot. They don't eat terribly much, because they don't really do much either, they delight in the comforts of the modern home. Gordon barks a lot, he sees dead people or something. Gabby drools, but that comes with the territory. They have put holes in the walls from 'rough housing'.

We also provide housing and meals to 2 cats, Bob Doele, a Maine Coon and Tilly, my eldest daughter wouldn't let us change Tilly's name to Elizabeth although I found the thought hysterical. Tilly was a rescue and reminds me of the Boyton cat that holds the balloon - I'll look for a picture to share. She was found living on the mean streets of Nobleboro. I wasn't aware Nobleboro had any means street but she assures us it was no picnic.

In 2003 we raised a dozen chickens in 2007 we got another batch and one by one they were picked off. Rose, or Survivor Chicken, was part of the first round and  just 'disappeared' two years ago. She lasted a very long time and was a sweetheart of a chicken. I do miss having them around, but not chasing foxes or finding piles of feathers. No sir.

The goats were purchased in 2006, Jake allegedly murdered Elwood in 2009, I think (the years all run together). Jake left for summer camp this year and will not be returning - he's been relocated as part of the witness protection program and isn't permitted to make contact with us - has something to do with his upcoming trial - the court fees are astounding and he proclaims his innocence to this day!

Yesterday Lauren brought home a baby bird she found. Nature abhors a vacuum and so, apparently does Lauren. Jake out, Basil in. Basil is very very tiny and she fed him with an eyedropper last night. I'm not sure how he is doing right now - I don't really want to look.

Lauren is now horse shopping. God help us all.


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