Happy Spring Onto The To Do List

I have a 'to do' list in my head (it keeps the two monkeys with the yo-yo company), it's always there in the compartment labeled: 'There is ALWAYS something to be done and I'll rest when I'm dead.'

With warmer weather finally here certain items bubble to the top of the list. Here's my brain dump;
  • Leaf Blow Everything But The Woods (and along the edge of the woods where the plantings are but not into the woods, that's frowned upon by family members and psychologist. Wankers.) DONE
  • Power Wash The Decks, Porch, Garage Doors But Not The Woods (people are soooo judgemental) DONE
  • Clean The Hardwood Floors (involves moving everything from everywhere and vacuuming the floors and baseboard heaters, washing the floors and polishing the floors and moving everything back) DONE
  • Clean The Bloody Basement (5 hour job, again move everything, wash floors, wipe everything down and get loopy from Pine-Sol fumes, that's the power of Pine-Sol baby!) DONE
  • Haul The Deck Furniture From The Basement To The Decks DONE
  • Clean the Garage (more bitchin' leaf blowing!!)
  • Paint the First Floor Hallway (I think a nice taupe gray - modern and clean)
  • Add Another Mulched Bed With Fun Tall Grass and More Giant Shrubs (our lilies grow 9' tall with flowers the size of dinner plates, I shit you not)
  • Install 18" Half Closet Doors (what the hell are they called? they are not dutch??)
  • Paint Exterior Trim (two year project that involves heights - my favorite! hooray!)
Almost halfway done but like any good to do list, it grows as it shrinks, *sigh*.



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