In this economy???

Two days before school started Lauren and I went back to school shopping after work - that's a long day. We left my work at 4:30pm, early and headed down to Portland, 40 miles to the south. Having the foresight to plan to 'rock the dollar menu' we cruised into McDonald's and ordered each, 1 McDouble, 1 4 piece, 1 small fry and 1 small drink (self serve oh yeah!) and $8.56 dinner for two. Santa was there, just in case you were wondering where he spends August 30th.

After our formal dinner, we headed over to THE MALL. Maine has two malls, Portland and Bangor. I shit you not. At Christmas time there are 300 people at each mall, in August - 4 of us. Really it's not crowded at all. We went to Forever 21, great deals, cool clothes, single stitching and some things appear disposable. I do like the various sections in the store, grunge, jersey, peasant, hippy, slut, shoes, jewelry, something for everyone!

We hit HM? something or other and then headed off to Macy's. We noticed at intersection of all mall sections Somalians. Odd. We made a pit stop in Williams and Sonoma where I found and fell head over heels for a pepper mill, $70. I would like and probably will be, buried with it. It's lovely and it grinds like.... I love it, so there.

We left the mall and headed north through Freeport. Lauren had her sights on a Northface backpack. We arrived at the store at 7:55 and upon entering the sales woman announced, "Just so you know, we close in 2 minutes." What??? Had Lauren not been so intent on the Serge backpack I would have hailed an unholy phrase and walked out. Instead, Lauren paid $89 of her hard earned money to this witch who then said, "You don't need a bag right?" grrrrrrrr. We left. I've emailed Northface because I deal with customers all day and I do not stand for poor customer service. This is unacceptable and the quote the nauseating phrase, 'In this economy...' customers are more precious than ever!!!

Lauren started school today, her backpack is cool, her clothes are cool and she's happy. Me? I'm stewing.


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