I Know The Formula, I Really Do

I know that in order to lose weight you need to eat less and exercise more. It's simply a matter of math and science. However, if I eat less, I politely excuse myself from exercise and if I exercise well then 'Release the hounds!' I eat like Rosanne Barr at The Great Wall of China Buffet.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life, honestly what day isn't? But what separates today from previous days is I will attempt to start eating right AND exercising. On the eating side of life I will opt for the Wine Lover's Diet (mumble quietly to yourselves please) and for exercise, P90X.

The Wine Lover's Diet is quite similar to South Beach or the Zone, a modified low carb diet that allows for a glass or two (two please) of wine with dinner. I find this small reward of wine disappointingly lacking luster, but it's better than nothing and I must keep my eye on the prize - breaking this f#%@ing plateau (look I created a website using swear symbols!)

For the exercise portion of my new shiny existence, I have chosen P90X. Now before you get all high and mighty on me, I've done this before for 60 days - I know it is incredibly hard. I remember it hurt to shampoo my hair but I am ready to get my ass handed to me, I am. P90X in a nutshell is good old fashioned exercise, sit ups, push ups, weights, jump training, martial arts and yoga that lasts an hour each day (yoga is an hour and a half and every other day you do ab ripper for 12 minutes - just for shits and giggles!) Many find the instructor and son of major league baseball pitcher, Tony Horton, annoying. I find him delightfully inspiring and laugh at all of his jokes. There does come a point when I start telling him plain and simple what he can do to himself and how, this is only when I can catch my breath and I'm not seeing small pinpoints of light.

For the next three months I'll blog about how it's going and throw in some miscellaneous stupid stories as well. Wish me luck!


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