Pizza Pizza

Last evening The Donald and I went out to meet up with a friend after work at The Old Goat over drinks and amazing pizza. This may cause Mainers to roll their eyes and get annoyed, but I miss Jersey pizza. It's a Jersey thing. At a traffic light today, someone blew their horn and The Donald said, "Where the hell are we? New Jersey?" There are two sides to every story. Jersey ain't perfect, but it makes a perfect pizza.

Tonight I was inspired to create 'At Home Pizza'. I had refrigerated pizza dough in the freezer and I knew where I wanted to go for myself and for The Donald.

I defrosted the dough, one package. I also defrosted a link of hot Italian sausage. The oven is preheated to 'hell' 500 convection and I throw in a pizza stone to heat. I have the peel out and coated in corn meal - little edible ball bearings.

I saute the hot Italian sausage and while that is cooking, I thinly slice 1/2 of a onion and maybe 1/3 of a large green bell pepper. I toss that into the saute pan with the sausage and some olive oil.

Stretching the dough out super thin is an art, engagement rings are not helpful. I put the stretched dough on the peel and slide it to make sure it's not sticking. I top with tomato sauce and cheese and pepperoni, then basil and into the oven. After about 10 minutes I move the pizza from the stone to an isolated rack to crisp the bottom.

I assemble my pizza, dough, sauce, sausage, onion, peppers, pineapple and mozzarella.

I ate the whole thing. I loved it. The crust spoke to me in a Clint Eastwood crispy, "Good Evening Ma'am." It was rough and strong and crisp, but it winked, that was the pineapple. The sweetness balanced the sausage fat and heat of the onions and peppers.

Pizza at home, give it try!


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