Bottle Neck

I haven't blogged in a while, not on my own at least. Many of you, I hope many, maybe both of you have read my bloggings at my new gig. Lets go back in the way back machine and see how it all unfolded......

I was at my previous job for 11 years, but circumstances changed, things got complicated and I was finding more and more hair in the shower drain, my tell tale 'stressed the hell out' sign. Many mornings I found myself sobbing while brushing my teeth, I have nice teeth, lovely in fact, it wasn't them. Don't get me wrong, I loved my coworkers. I was friends with a lot of them, something I was and am proud of. Ending that sentence in a preposition, I'm not proud of that.

The universe works in strange ways. I'm not religious but I know there is a god for me. He has a wicked sense of humor and he whispers into my ear to work my ass off, then he makes it grow back with a vengeance.

This spring when Ashlee was home for spring break she met with the owners of The Bradley Inn where she has worked for the past 3 years. This was to firm up her schedule. After writing a paper for college about me loving to cook and her hoping one day I would do what I wanted she went one step further and told them I've always wanted to cook. They said to have me get in touch. The kid's got hutzpah.

You know all those all those annoying food pictures I post on Facebook? Yeah, I made a slideshow out of them, made cannolis and hoped for the best. It worked. Maybe the look of desperation helped, but those cannolis had chocolate chips AND pistachios so bite me.

I sold my gas gusseling jeep for an 09 Chevy cobalt that gets 36 miles to the gallon, I changed my hairstyle because I'm still a jersey girl and hair is important. Can you imagine my horror at finding hair in the drain??? I gave my notice.

My last day of work was May 17th, my first day at the new job May 18th at 6am because I wanted some serious downtime to center my shakra and channel my inner schwinn. I'll rest when in dead, good and dead. I was scared and thrilled at the same time, like being on a roller coaster without the carnies. It was everything I had hoped for and more. I had an apron, learned the dish washing machine, the oven, where the little towels are(of which I go through millions!), the radio, freezer, wall ins (the walk in freezer scares me). I wanted to ask where St. Peter was and if god stopped by often cause I could hear the organ music. I knew my crazy would have to leak out slowly.

There are two doggies at the inn, Robusto, he is from Romania and will not only beg from the inn guests at breakfast but he does an amazing peaceful protest when anyone attempts to separate him from the guest he has chosen to gently rest his paw upon. He literally throws himself to the floor until someone bribes him with bacon. I swear I've seen him wink after he gets it. Pearl, the yellow lab is adorable, sweet and will head butt you right into next Tuesday when you get your face in her face to ask, 'Who's a good girl?' Turns out Pearl has a weakness for food. If the doors aren't properly secured she will steal room cookies (giant chocolate chip cookies awaiting the guests arrival), room candy, tea treats. She is relentless and yet sooooo cute.

In the past month I've made scones, ice cream, cinnamon rolls, sorbet, boule, caramels, chocolate medallions. Cork, caramel corn, lemon steamed pudding, creme brûlée, breakfast bread pudding, eggs Benedict, Pullman bread, lemon shortbread, dream cookies, chocolate and plain biscotti, truffles, apple blueberry crisp, creamsicle ice cream, biscuits, sausage gravy, dolce de leche and mint cucumber water. Oh and that birthday cake which remind me I need to make a wedding cake next week. AGHHH!!!

Just yesterday a family was enjoying breakfast and the mother said, 'We were just saying that younprobably made the alone cookies that we had yesterday at tea.' I told her I was and then went into the kitchen and packed up 4 cookies for their trip home. They got those when they checked out and I that extra touch, that thoughtfulness is at the forefront of everyone's thoughts working at the inn. The owners have shown such trust, thankfulness and excitement to me in the past month if they asked me to reroof the place I'd ask, 'Asphalt or Cedar, name your poison!'

I may be telling tales that I shouldn't, but finally the nightmares have stopped. Every night I would wake up panic attack style (which is like calf cramp style but without the cussing and pleading for it to stop as you stare at your misshapen toes) from a dream in which I had to leave my new job and go back to my old one. In one, my old boss was dressed like Cruella DeVille and I owed her $45.00 ???  I'll probably have one tonight now that I've talked it up.

I recently read some advice that included, 'Let your passion drive your profession.' That's gold baby. One of the big 'out of the box' questions of the 90s was, "What would you do if money wasn't an object?" It seems like a great concept with the only exception being bills, mortgages, groceries, tuition, insurance, bills, and don't forget bills and the 90's were bizarre.

We spend a lot of time at work. A LOT. Remember that you usually enjoy what you do well. Put those together and let your passion dictate your profession.

Tomorrow I shall, "Blow the tops right off of those friggin peoples' heads with my cinnamon rolls!"  This was a vow I made in the kitchen today - and I will.

Sweet regards,



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