Exploding Targets

After the funeral (and I'm almost done with the funeral talk) we returned to my parents house. We immediately changed into our play clothes, jeans, carhartts, etc. Duane and Derrick picked up their rifles and exploding targets. They ran them outside and placed one in the back yard. Then target practice started. The first explosion was a bit of a shock to my father who happened to be in the bathroom at the time. He came out and said, "Goddammit! That's my sand mound! There are pipes in there. Ahhh, whatever, have fun." My niece, who is a tiny tiny thing, hit the double target - holy crap! We had such a good time. We laughed, ate pizza, drank beers. My sister-in-law and my niece spent the night and once again, we were up until almost midnight. My husband was my rock through everything and I am eternally grateful for his compassion, support and help.

Okay, future posts will be much lighter. . .


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