
The morning after we arrived at my parents house we drove down to the local diner. In the small twelve table diner complete with counter and one of those cool milk machines, perched at the counter was Fred. My father walked up and said, "What the hell are you doing here?" This was met with, "Jesus Christ, they'll let anybody in here!"The other locals looked up briefly, but went back to their breakfasts. We sat at a booth and Fred swiveled around to 'join' us. The banter that goes on in a place like this is priceless. Fred yells to some guy in a fishing hat with a chin strap, "How's that damn dog?" Fishing hat guy yells, "He's a good dog Fred." Fred fires back, "The only good dog is a dead dog." Fishing hat says, "That's a BAAAAD attitude Fred." Fred winks and you know he wouldn't harm a fly.

The night before, my father had called Fred's house and his grandson Derrick answered the phone. This is how he answered, "yeeeee haaaaaa! We got a winner!" We all heard it and thought my father had misdialed, my father, just shook his head. We thought this was just terrific!.That morning in the diner Fred offered to give us $20 to take Derrick. He said he'd go as high as $40, but that was it. We talked for a bit while we ate mounds of food, pancakes, eggs, potatoes, scrapple - ahhh scrapple. One of the girls asked, "what's it made of?" Answer, "Don't know, don't think anybody really does."

Fred's phone rang and he answered, it was his lady friend and he turned to my father and said into the phone, "I'll ask." He then turned to my father, "What time is the service?" My father hesitated, Fred's delivery time is perfect, back into the phone, "He doen'st know either." We laughed and laughed, then getting ready to leave, Fred turned to the man next to him, "Mark, let's go rob the bank." He paid his bill and left. We got up from the table, went to the cashier and she said, "Oh Fred took care of your bill."

God bless the salt of the earth people.


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