Winter Lasagna Day

As I sit here and write, the lasagna is in the oven, The Donald is going apoplectic over the Giants game - turrble officiating as Charles Barkley would say, and Ashlee is scratching her head about how to get 10 pounds of college shit in a 5 pound suitcase.

I remember when my Mom would ask my brother what he wanted for dinner and the answer was always lasagna. Mom would then point out that it took 8 hours to make and she didn't have all day to spend in the kitchen. Maybe I'm missing something, but it doesn't take 8 hours and I consider it a nice way to spend a couple hours in the kitchen twirling about in my red girlie apron with the white polka dots. Mom's lasagna was awesome though, awesome indeed.

This morning I was watching recorded episodes of Julia Child & Company, always good for a laugh and a learn. She was making pasta dough an as a side note mentioned that if you have lasagna with homemade pasta it's a whole different world. She had me convinced and that was my 'learn' then she mentioned getting boozed up and my 'laugh' was satisfied as well.

Pasta dough is so easy to make and I realize whenever I do make it that I should do it more often. I should also eat less but life is short and getting shorter every day. The recipe is as follows:

2 cups all purpose flour
1 tsp. salt
2 eggs
3 TBSP olive oil
1/4 cup water

Put the flour and salt in the food processor (a great tool for this) in a measuring cup beat the eggs and add the oil. Pour the egg mixture into the spout of the processor while it's running. Add half of the water and let it whirl. After 45 seconds if it hasn't started coming together, add the remaining water. Once it forms a ball, dump it onto a cutting board and knead for 5 minutes, wrap is plastic, toss in the fridge and leave it until you're ready to cook it. See? Easy!

I rolled the dough out into sheets and let it dry a bit over a broom handle, sorry, clean broom handle and prepared the lasagna. I let the meat sauce cook down, added water, cooked down again to develop some real color and flavor in the Bolognese fashion. The noodles only took 30 seconds in boiling water and were hotter than hell to handle, and slippery as eels too!

I think this will be a killer recipe and I'll blog it separately so you don't have to wade through my kitchen diary to find it. The game is tied, I should get The Donald is organizing a boycott of the NFL next year and needs a paper bag and poor Ashlee - there isn't a paper bag big enough.


  1. I had no idea it was so easy to make pasta! I was wondering if it is possible to use whole wheat flour ?

    1. I just checked it out and it appears that you can substitute whole wheat for all purpose equally. Give it a whirl then let me know!


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