Whole Wheat Pasta, Can It Be Edible??

After blogging about homemade lasagna pasta, my coach Joel asked if it would work with whole wheat pasta. Good question. The thought never crossed my mind. I'm not a fan, so why put more effort into something that tastes like it should have 'fragile' or 'this end up' printed on it?

I did some research and found reviews that the results were better than store bought dried whole wheat pasta. It seemed like a test was in order. I used the following....

1 1/2 c. whole wheat flour
1/2 c. all purpose flour
1/2 tsp. salt
3 eggs
2 TBSP olive oil
1/4 c. water

Put the dry ingredients into a food processor with the dough blade and turn on to blend those. Beat eggs with oil and pour into the processor while running, add water. My dough didn't form a ball, like traditional white pasta. I poked and prodded but it wouldn't unite. I finally had to turn it onto the cutting board and knead by hand (I do like that process, it's somewhat therapeutic). Wrap in plastic and refrigerate. When ready, roll it out and use an angel hair size, I think that helps keep it tender to the mouth.

I made pesto, an Al Fredo sauce and a meat sauce and we had a sampler pasta dinner. Fun stuff! The garlic may never leave my mouth, but thankfully we all had it, so you can't smell it on anyone else. I  made Gilroy Garlic Bread, courtesy my mother-in-law, Lovey - in for a clove, in for a head!

Try the whole wheat homemade and  remember it's whole wheat pasta, it's not white pasta, just like frozen yogurt isn't ice cream and never will be, but it's a healthier choice an it's good. I had an epiphany at the dining room table when I said, "You know, with a few extra pounds on me, my boobs are bigger." To which The Donald, while chewing, pointed to himself and put up two fingers. (me too).


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