Paleo aka Cave Woman

Remember the Visually Stunning post? Well I think I've honed in on a solution. Paleo (I hope every time I start a new fitness, diet, lifestyle change an angel gets its wings).

I first heard about this maybe six months ago. It sounded like Atkins with fruit and without cheese. Simple concept, no processed foods, no starches, no sugar, no dairy with the exception of eggs. I googled, binged and yahooed a lot and finally found one site that said you could have a glass or two of wine or 3 cheat meals a week. My search had ended. SCORE! Shut up. This isn't strict Paleo, it's more of an 85% 15% - I can't handle strict restrictions, they become my obsession.

So far so good. I started Saturday and have been enjoying omelets in the morning with some meat, salad for lunch and spaghetti squash and Italian meatballs for dinner. I feel much better already and I'm down 3 pounds. I don't do the inches thing mostly because I would suck it in or pull the tape extra tight and the measurements would be pure bullshit. It's bad enough that in I've been know to believe my underwear weighs 2 pound and I could crap a pound off. It's big, but not that big. Instead I'll rely on basing my progress by the amount of jumping around I have to do to get pants on and with this being a time of year when I try to remember to use body lotion there is a lot of jumping around and episodes in which I truly believe my head will indeed explode.

As far as fitness is concerned I'm going to try the cross training app thing again. This was what I was doing when I pulled or strained my calf muscle while performing a complicated move known as 'a fucking jumping jack'. Yeah, I've become that person. Maybe I'll toss in some Yoga.

What's the goal? Getting healthy. 30 pounds would be great to lose but I'll take anything beyond 16.



  1. Peg has been doing paleo for a while now. I call her "against the grain"


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