Did you ever try to 'work through sciatic pain'? You didn't? Probably because you're not an idiot. Hi. I'm Michele and I am an idiot.
Last fall I started following Garden Answer on Youtube. This lovely lass who lives on the eastern edge of Oregon with her hubs and adorable little boy. She is a full time youtuber and gardens like a champ. Her family is sweet - everything is sweet. I was hooked. I ramped up my gardening and last fall I planted 200 tulip bulbs then went balls to the wall this spring. To say things got over the top is an understatement but I've enjoyed it all so much. Perennials are smarter - why buy and plant something that dies? Annuals are beautiful and pack a glorious punch. Everyone has their place.
This weekend I started preparing for Fall and bidding farewell to Summer. I removed some of the Supertunia Vistas - which perform unbelievably. This year I also came to grips with cutting things back to encourage growth. That means wacking off flowers to promote more flowers. It's painful but worth it. Also, weekly feedings with water soluble plant food makes a difference.
At some point yesterday I tweaked my back. My sciatic has been a little 'tender' - it's been tender for about 8 years now. I keep thinking I just need my hip to be cracked and I'd be good. So far that hasn't happened. This morning when I started outdoor work I was having some issues but thought moving around would help. I've heard that. LIES! Here's what I managed to do - and yes I'm totally bragging about it. I worked through pain - check me out. When I'm in traction you can point and laugh.
First I moved an azalea that was planted off center. Yup. We have three box woods in front of the house and azaleas in between them. One was way off. Of course it's the largest one. Dug the go-to-hole first, then dug up the biggin'. And moved it. That was fine. Then I moved on to the limelight hedge. It is a long border along the woods. I had about 20' left to do. Done. I scrapped the grass and moss by using a spade on my knees because I couldn't maneuver at the right angle standing up. Yes sireee working through the pain. Not fast mind you but moving.
With that done, I move on to edging the sidewalk by hand with the rolly thing with the star blade wheel. Then sweep that up. Edge the flower beds a bit. About this time the neighbor showed up and we had a lovely conversation about how old she is and she used to do that kinda stuff. I believe nothing she says. Now it's time to mow. Mowing involves picking a pattern and if it's the diagonal then I do two passes in each direction. No doubt towards the end of the front yard I lose count and screw it up. It's zoysia grass and it's very forgiving.
Now the leaf blower to clean up - won't start. Walk away and trim the holly bush. Try the leaf blower again - nope. Grab the pole saw and trim up some low branches on the big tree out front. Try the leaf blower one last time. Nothing. Start up the lawn mower and use it as a leaf blower.
Off to Lowe's to buy mulch. While purchasing just mulch I find a lemon cyprus - always wanted one, since 1:30pm today when I found it. Now head back to mulch the limelight hedge bed and create a new bed off the driveway.
Neighbor's boyfriend is back and now babbling about mulch - 'Don't get the black mulch.' "Yeah I know.' 'Don't get any dyed.' 'I know.' and I thought if he makes one more comment I'm going to tell him this is the time I dedicate to the Lord so please leave me be. Is that wrong?
I got the new little bed made and planted the Lemon Cyprus - looks so cute! By that time I was walking like I was 110 and/or shot.
After planting that little gem I ran a quick errand and then came home and made a pizza. I am now on the sofa typing - I may not make it. I'll make it for sure.
And eventually I will merge the lemon cyprus bed with the other bed. Eventually means next year. I'm tapped at this point. xoxo
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